Output buffering and large MySQL databases in PHP 5

I am trying to create an XML feed from a database with a ginormous table, almost 4k records. I want to use output buffering to make it spit out XML, but the script still keeps crashing.

$what = 'j.*, (select description from tb_job_type as jt WHERE jt.jobtype_id =  j.job_type_id) as job_type,';
$what .= '(select description from tb_location as l WHERE l.location_id = j.location_id) as location,';
$what .= '(select description from tb_industry as i WHERE i.industry_id = j.industry_id) as industry';
$where = ('' != $SelectedType) ?  'j.job_ad_type="' . $SelectedType .'"' : '';
$process = $db->executeQuery('SELECT ' . $what . ' FROM tb_job_ad as j' . $where);

while($result = mysql_fetch_array($process))
    $result['job_title_url']        = $form->urlString($result['job_title']);
    $result['job_title']            = htmlspecialchars($result['job_title'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
    $result['short_description']    = htmlspecialchars($result['short_description'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
    $result['full_description']     = htmlspecialchars($result['full_description'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
    $result['company_name']         = ucwords(strtolower($result['company_name']));
    $tpl->assignToBlock('ITEMS', $result);
$cheese = ob_get_contents();    
$actualize = $tpl->actualize('FEED');
header("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT" );
header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate( "D, d M Y H:i:s" ) . "GMT" );
header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate" );
header("Pragma: no-cache" );
header("Content-type: text/xml");
echo $actualize;
print $cheese;


This seems to be the line that does the choke script:

$tpl->assignToBlock('ITEMS', $result);


Help me please?




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3 answers

Maybe you have a rather slow query?
Compare the output

$process = $db->executeQuery('EXPLAIN SELECT ' . $what . ' FROM tb_job_ad as j' . $where);
while($result = mysql_fetch_array($process, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {
  echo join(' | ', $result), "<br />\n";


c Optimizing Queries with EXPLAIN .



You can use set_time_limit (0) to let your script run forever without any kind of timeout and wait for execution to complete.



The timeout is almost certainly happening because your query is slow - and you are almost certainly improving its performance by making sure you have null columns indexed and doing some JOINs.

What if you rebuilt your query build like this:

$q = 'SELECT 
  jt.description as job_type, 
  l.description as location, 
  i.description as industry
FROM tb_jobs AS j
INNER JOIN tb_job_type AS jt ON j.job_type_id = jt.jobtype_id 
INNER JOIN tb_location AS l ON j.location_id = l.location_id
INNER JOIN tb_industry AS i ON j.indsutry_id = i.industry_id';

if (! empty($SelectedType)){
  $where = "WHERE j.job_ad_type = '$SelectedType'";
  $where = '';

$q .= $where;


Make sure all your foreign key columns (j.location_id etc.) are indexed.

If you want the output to start earlier, you will want to - Query the database - List all your headers, etc. - write in a loop:

while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($process)
  //build your ITEM and echo it here
  ob_end_flush(); flush();


PS: I also noticed another SQL related question about you here on SO. I think it will serve you very well to understand better how SQL works. I highly recommend getting a copy of " " SLQ Clearly Explained "- it exactly matches the promises header - explicit SQL explanation (in general, no linking discussion of different implementations)



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