Vici.CoolStorage: filter with ManyToOne and ManyToMany relationship
I have an exception in Vici.CoolStorage 'Unable to overlay object of type' System.String 'on type' QueryExpression 'when using the following filter in the .List () method of my Event class:
Event.List("has(Resource where has(Teams where TeamID = @TeamID))",
"@TeamID", teamID);
-> Event - Resource = ManyToOne relationship (resource property)
-> Resource - Team = ManyToMany relationship, plural = true (CSList Teams property)
I want to get all events with a resource that belongs to the specified team (teamID). Is this possible in Vici.CoolStorage filter syntax?
ps. teamID = Guid
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1 answer
The has () function should only be used with * ToMany relationships. I think you mean this:
I am assuming you want to select all records that have a linked resource owned by a specific team?
This might be what you are looking for:
Event.List("has(Resource.Teams where TeamID = @TeamID))",
"@TeamID", teamID);
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