If you take IE out of the picture, what additional JavaScript functionality is available in other browsers?

I'm just talking about JavaScript here, not CSS or DOM implementation.

I know getters and setters are now available in the latest version of all major browsers except IE. What other JavaScript features are available for cross-browser if we have the latest versions of other browsers and forget about IE for a minute?


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3 answers

With Gecko-engined browsers you get:

From the point of view of other browsers implementing these features, I only know that Webkit implements Extray Array , but it's actually pretty easy to get monkeypatch support for anyone in all browsers as they are just extra methods.

Gecko, Opera and Webkit also support canvas

, which, being a new HTML element, is consumed via JavaScript, so I'm not sure if that fits your criteria. Having said that, there is an independent effort to bring them to IE.



I would recommend that you visit www.quirksmode.org for a lot of detailed comparisons of different browsers / versions.




While this is not "JavaScript functionality", rather a DOM API



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