Eclipse PDE on Mac OS X: getting the correct font size at runtime?

Where the Eclipse PDE on Mac OS X is used, there is an annoying "feature": the runtime font size does not match the true IDE. If you develop a plug-in and launch an Eclipse instance to test it (from Eclipse), you will notice that the spawned instance is very different from the original Eclipse instance. The fonts are big and ugly. This makes it difficult to fine-tune the plugin interface.

By the way, I have not encountered this Windows behavior.

Any ideas on how to quickly fix this issue?



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2 answers

Found the answer.

You need to add the following VM argument to your launch config: -Dorg.eclipse.swt.internal.carbon.smallFonts

I have discovered a defect. Hope it gets fixed.



Eclipse stores its preferences based on the workspace. You are probably not using the same workspace for both eclipse instances. However, you will need to set the spawn settings once or copy it to the spawn workspace from the original one.

You now have the default settings and this is probably not what you set in your instance.



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