ITunes Store Auto Check

I have several apps in the app store and check every available country daily to see if anyone has left a review for my app and where it is ranked high.

It was very boring to spend time browsing iTunes. But the information I get is very helpful.

Is there a way to automate the process I am doing? Perhaps there is an application that will satisfy my needs or a way to write a script? Maybe something is using AppleScript (I've never tried this before).



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6 answers

You might want to try . However, checking reviews and ratings is limited to the paid version, although you can get an idea of ​​how it works during the first days of the trial days.



Get AppSales-Mobile. It is open source, you need to download and build it. Please note that if you have weekly / daily sales reports, add them to app resources and they will be analyzed on first launch.


App Sales Mobile allows iPhone developers to download and analyze their daily and weekly sales reports from iTunes Connect



Sounds like you need AppCritics app



You can also use this website for App Store reviews:



This may be more a matter for the Superuser , given that it is not strictly a programming question, but I record, and I would say that using AppViz on a daily basis. It can do a one-step import of your iPhone app sales data from iTunes Connect, collect all reviews from around the world, and check your apps' ranking in the top 200 of your category or overall (or the top 1000 if you have an account with Applicationzer).



Or you can try It's free.



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