Debugging .asp pages with visual studio 2005

I am migrating a site made in classic asp to but the dev server is not rendering .asp pages.

Can I run it .asp? Maybe a custom httphandler for .asp?



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5 answers

Are you using Winxp with IIS installed? If so, here's what I do: push the asp pages in the browser using local IIS and then open the folder where the ASP pages reside as a website project in VS. Go to the Debug menu, select Attach to Process, and then locate the dllhost.exe process that runs under the user IWAM_MACHINENAME. You should also make sure that you have configured the virtual directory to enable ASP server side debugging. After attaching to this process, you can set breakpoints etc. as usual.



The last time I had to debug asp pages, I found it was easier to insert a bunch of Response.Write (). If you can't find a way to do this in VS, this might help.



Unfortunately, you will have to use traditional (or arcane!) Methods to debug your asp pages in VS2005 (i.e. alert (), response.write (), etc.)



This may not be what you want to hear, but vs2005 does not support this. It was added in vs2008. Perhaps one of the free vs2008 expressions can get you out of this hole?



In addition to patmortech's answer , I would recommend that if you are testing a mixed technical site that you attach to aspnet_wp to debug parts of a .NET application. This is also true if your application uses third party ISAPI filters.

The Cassini server is only good for pure .NET.



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