Masking navigation sounds in IE with AutoIT?

I wrote a program that uses AutoIT to extract information from multiple websites using Internet Explorer. AutoIT is able to hide the window so that it cannot be seen, however when I go to a new website in that hidden window, I still get IE navigation sounds (button click sound, etc.).

How do I mute audio from playback using AutoIT? (Turning off your computer or changing settings in the control panel would not be ideal.)


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2 answers

You can temporarily change the click sound to an empty sound and then restore it after navigation. It is stored in the registry here:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ AppEvents \ Schemes \ Apps \ Explorer \ Navigating.current

Just create a new string value or change the existing (default) to an empty string value to mute.

But read the key first so you can put it back where the filename was previously.

This is not a perfect solution, but it works. The obvious disadvantages of this are that the user changes the sound exactly, when you read the value and then return it, you can overwrite the new value.



I think you can use this option too. Just close the hidden explorer window and enter the DOM and create an iframe as described in this example:



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