Yii, yiic and the console
The installation instructions for Yii need to use the console and command line utility - yiic.
Well, on my shared hosting, I don't have ssh access.
That is why I have the following questions:
- How often and for what reasons should I use the console?
- Is there a way to avoid using yiic?
- Can I run yiic on a local server and then just stream everything to the destination web server?
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1 answer
Answer from the Yii forums:
No, you are not using yiic on a production server to generate code. You only use it on your development computer, which should usually have complete control over it.
The yiic code generation tool is just a way to help you speed up your development. If you are familiar with yii, you can create an application from scratch without using yiic.
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