How to use Ruby1.9 for shoes?
The shoes wrap their own Ruby rig, right?
I cannot use Fiber, which is a Ruby1.9 feature. And I want to use Fiber to create a generator.
Here is my code (so you can be sure the problem is not my code):
class BrownianGenerator
def initialize
@x = 0
@fiber = do
loop do
@x = @x+rand;
Fiber.yield @x
def next; @fiber.resume end
def rewind; @x=0 end
and if i made a shoe app like this: do
@b =
If I lift up the shoe console I see the error:
uninitialized constant #<class:0xblah>::BrownianGenerator::Fiber
Since it says Fiber is an uninitialized constant, there is either something wrong with my code, or this Ruby version is unaware of the Fiber class - the latter should be the case.
I have looked into this question about determining the Ruby version (this is 1.8 for my mac installation), but I don't know how to change the version.
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Check out Green Shoes .
This functionality is based on _why's original implementation, but it's packed like a gem and built specifically for 1.9.
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