Why are class errors only caught at runtime?

I have a VB6 class with a method that throws an error:

Public Sub DoSomething
  err.Raise 12345, description:="Error message"
End Sub


This method is called from the form:

Public Sub ErrTest()
  On Error Goto err1
  Exit Sub
  MsgBox err.Description
End Sub


This works fine at runtime, but at design time, error handling doesn't work. Instead, the VB6 IDE displays its standard message box from where I can enter debug mode or terminate the program.

Why is this happening? Can I prevent this?


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2 answers

In the VB IDE, go to the Tools tab, Option, General, Error Capture. I am assuming you have it set to "Break on All Errors", whereas you probably want "Break on Unhandled Errors".

Your statement is Err.Raise

giving a compilation error for me; try removing the curly braces.

Alternatively, you can use

Err.Raise vbObjectError + 12345, Description:="Error message"


i.e. offset your error code from the vbObjectError VB constant to make sure you don't get collisions.



You can also change the error capture options by right clicking in the code window. The following options are available in the "Toggle" submenu:

Break in all errors
Break in class module
Break on unhandled errors

I find this much easier than the Options pop-up dialog ...



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