Using jquery to calculate the total number of images in a <id>

I have one div and inside it I have some images like <img src= etc

I want to calculate the total number of images in this div. Also I want to store these image IDs in mysql using PHP ...



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2 answers

To count them, you can do this:

alert($('#myDiv img').length);


To grab all ids into an array, you can do something like this:

var ids = [];
$('#myDiv img').each(function() {


or using $.map

, as suggested by @Russ Cam:

var idsArr = $.map($('#myDiv img'), function(n,i) { 


and all this will give you a score, using an length

array (if all images have an id).

It might be convenient to send them to the server as a comma separated string like:

var idsStr = ids.join(',');




$('div > div > img').length


will get the number of elements <img>

that are immediate children <div>

that are immediate children of the elements <div>

. You will need some way to uniquely identify the div with the images you want, either by id (recommended), class name, or DOM position .



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