Check XML node for value using JQuery

I am trying to check if a value exists in xml node using JQuery. Xml string:



When I try to query it for a value using the following:

$ ("SectionAnswers", section) .find ("64") // Section is the jquery context

I get the following response:

The expression does not return a DOM node.

.//--> 64 <-

Any ideas where I'm going wrong? I really don't want them to check the value every time like in $ ("SectionAnswers", Section) .each ()



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4 answers

Try to traverse the XML using a simple $ .each:

$('SectionAnswers > SectionAnswer').each(function() {
    if($(this).find('SourceAnswerID').text() == '64') {
        alert('Found 64 at detailID: ' + $(this).find('detailID').text());


or using filter :

var $sa = $('SectionAnswers > SectionAnswer').filter(function() {
    return $(this).find('SourceAnswerID').text() == '64'; 




I'm leaving this here for reference, as it can be useful in slightly different circumstances, but as karim79 mentioned it matches anything that has 64 as a substring.

You can use the ": contains (text)" pseudo selector :

$("SectionAnswers SourceAnswerID:contains('64')", Section)


This will select the SourceAnswerID members, so you may need to use a function parent()

or closest()

to navigate the hierarchy.



Thanks guys.

I'll play around with both of them and see what I can think of. I want to avoid the loop if possible, because it will already run inside the loop and I just have a button about nested loops ...

But now that I think about it ... Both the filter and the calls are always inner loops ... So it could perform better just by just getting the collection and iterating over it.



OK got the fix. I ended up changing the xml to make the ID attributes to be

            <SectionAnswer SourceAnswerID="1487"
                           detailID="1420" />
            <SectionAnswer SourceAnswerID="1488"
                           detailID="2039" />


And now I can find it through

find ("SectionAnswer [SourceAnswerID = +1487]")

This is the best solution because adding information in the attributes reduces the size of the return value.



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