What is the best practice for creating RE-USABLE control templates in Silverlight

What is the best practice for creating reusable control templates.

For example. I want to start with a standard checkbox and change its template for reuse across multiple future projects.

I understand how to change the template in Blend, but it always wants to store the template in the App.xaml of the current project or the parent where I first placed this checkbox.

Ideally I would like a little soft ControlLibrary that contains all my custom controls and custom templates (modified templates of existing controls)



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2 answers

An implicit style manager can be helpful.

The Silverlight management team and others have recently started blogging about ISM, which allows you to apply alternate style sets across the entire standard down to standard controls. Try Jesse Liberty's Blog or Mehdi Slawi Andalussi's Blog




I don't think you can have a ControlTemplate as a separate object without binding to a control. For your control library, you can create your own controls that have corresponding custom templates and reuse the controls.



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