How do I start developing Cocoa applications?

I'm a Java guy who is familiar with Swing programming and have recently started working with an iPhone. The boy had a steep learning curve and now I would like to start developing Cocoa for desktop applications.

I've read articles and considered buying a few Cocoa books to promote my learning, but I feel like I haven't fully understood it yet. I started about 3 months ago and am pretty comfortable with Xcode and Objective-C, but Cocoa development for desktop apps looks like a great game from iPhone development.

My questions:

  • The right book for searching and learning.
  • Which blogs should I follow?
  • Any code example I should pay attention to.

I'm looking at Adium src and considering buying a Cocoa 3rd and the book looks like a bunch of things that I already know.


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2 answers

The right book to pick up and learn.

Which blogs should I follow?

Any code example I should pay attention to.

EDIT: SO already has a complete list: Good ways to learn Cocoa?



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