Flash Lite optimization - attachMovie vs Timeline

Give us your opinion on how you define a Flash Lite project for a complex application with many different views.

Do you use: 1) attachMovie with every other view in the clips in the unloadMovie library to switch to a different view

2) timeline ... are you using gotoAndStop ()? the main problem with this is when you use createEmptyMovieClip () the created movieclips will not be removed if you go to a different keyframe, even if it is separated from the previous one.

I tried solution # 2 The timeline gets overloaded quickly. Moreover, I find out that you need to put many empty frames in order for Flash Lite to initialize correctly ... if you put 1 keyframe for each view from the very beginning of your timeline, your AS code will be a bug.

Now I'm going to use solution n ° 1.

Tell us about your Flash Lite experience and mobile application architecture. thank!


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1 answer

Why not get a flash for garbage collection?

  • Create an empty MovieClip in the timeline manually. This will be your MC "holder".

  • Using actionscript attachMovie

    all your content in this MC holder.

  • Now you're just gotoAndStop

    in another frame to unload the entire contents of the MC holder.

  • When you gotoAndStop

    return to this frame, the MC holder should be empty, so let's go back to step 2.



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