Anyone have any good information on Microsoft Kojax?

Has anyone in the SO community had a chance to learn more or access Microsoft Kojax? This is early, but are there any resources in this technology (publicly available on the internet)?

ZDNet article on Kojax

From the article: "Kojax is a mobile development platform, according to my sources, that will allow Microsoft and third-party applets to work in an Ajax-like fashion using a combination of Visual Studio and JavaScript tools on Java mobile phones."


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1 answer

I think it's unlikely that Microsoft will release "Kojax" at any time over the next year and a half, especially since none of them were even discussed outside the walls of Microsoft 4. It sounds mostly like Silverlight for mobile, and given that Silverlight is still pretty crude after a few years, I don't think Kojax is going to be anything destructive.

But I would like to be proven wrong. =)



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