How can I go from unix to linux to connect via C # (with telnet)?

I have some code that has a connection to a unix server: example below:

UnixTelnetConnection.Login (_server, _username, _password, FCART.Properties.Settings.Default.CleartoolPrompt.ToString ());

However, what should be different if it is for linux? Do I need to be different?



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4 answers

No, everything should be fine. Have you tried this?



If you are using telnet, the Linux machine and the Unix machine should respond in the same way.

However, on a Linux machine, you will have the GNU tools, while on other Unix systems, you are more likely to have BSD or SysV tools. So, depending on what you are trying to do, there might be differences on the remote system.

What are you trying to do with your Telnet connection?



Strictly speaking, Telnet is a proprietary protocol, so there should be no difference at your end no matter what OS the server is running on. However, you might have to pay attention to things like line endings, but this will not change from one POSIX system to another. So just try using the code you have and if it doesn't work come back with more specific questions.



Now it works. I had to use its full name (server). eg: as opposed to so11-1111. But now it works. So great :)



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