Rails Recipe for Date Range in View

I need to take a date range from the UI, get records in that range, and plot it. This is the relevant section in my Rails view.

    <%= check_box_tag :applyRange, @params[:applyRange]%>
    <%= select_date Time.now, :prefix=>"fromDate"  %>
    <%= select_date Time.now, :prefix=>"toDate" %>


Back on the controller / action side, this is what I needed to do to restore the date values ​​back (hack hack puts hack puts hack ...)

fromDate = Date.civil params[:fromDate]["year"].to_i, params[:fromDate]["month"].to_i, params[:fromDate]["day"].to_i


It just isn't right. ... The fields probably have spaces too. In this case, to_i is bound to barf. It's like something that must have been done a million times before ... So look for a good recipe for this. I've spent most of the last hour trying to figure out this quirky rail mate.


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2 answers

You can make a method that takes one of the date parameters as an argument:

def date_from_param(params)


and then do something like:

from = date_from_param(params[:from_date])
to = date_from_param(params[:to_date])


You can then pass those dates to your query to select the records you want in that range.



Well yes, but it's the same ... extracted into a method. My problem was that this doesn't seem like the Ruby way. I was hoping that an easier way to extract the date represented by the select_date tag seems to be not.


which returns a Date object would be much better .. as my purpose of using

<%= select_date Time.now, :prefix=>"fromDate"  %>


- choose a date. Good..



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