Shoutcast stream delay 12 hours (Linux / bash)
I live on the other side of the world from my home (GMT + 1 now, Greenwich Mean Time + 13 home) and I miss my old land-based radio station. It has a Shoutcast stream and I would like to just postpone it for 12 hours so that it is always available when I want to listen to it, so that its timezone is synchronized with my timezone.
I see this as a script running on my server.
A naive approach would simply be to allocate enough bar in a circular buffer to keep the entire 12 hours latency and pipe out of the streamripper. But the stream is 128kbps mp3, which means (128/8) * 60 * 60 = ~ 56MB per hour, or 675MB for a whole 12 hour buffer, which is actually not that practical. Also, I might have to deal with my server by simply killing the process after a certain timeout.
So what are some strategies that might actually be practical?
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A thread ripper would be an easy way and probably the right way, but if you want to do it the Programmer way ....
- Most development machines have quite a lot of RAM. Are you sure you can't save 675 MB?
- Instead of storing the output in a buffer, can't you save it to a file or files, say in an hour? (essentially you would write your own thread ripper)
- Convert stream to a lower bit if you can tolerate loss of quality
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to answer my own question, here's a script that runs as a cron job every 30 minutes. it dumps the incoming stream in 5 minute chunks (or set FILE_SECONDS) to a specific directory. block boundaries are synchronized with the clock, and it doesn't start writing until the end of the current chunk of time, so running cronjobs can overlap without duplicating data or leaving spaces. files are named (epoch time% number of seconds in 24 hours) .str.
I haven't done a player yet, but the plan was to set the output directory somewhere accessible to the website, and write a script to run locally that uses the same timestamp computation code like here for sequential access ( timestamp 12 hours ago) .str, hide them again and then configure locally as scream server. then I could just point my music player to http: // localhost: port and get it.
edit: new version with timeouts and improved error status checking plus nice log file. this currently works without firmware on my (cheap) shared web host, no problem.
import time
import urllib
import datetime
import os
import socket
# number of seconds for each file
# run for 30 minutes
RUN_TIME = 60*30
# size in bytes of each read block
# 16384 = 1 second
BLOCK_SIZE = 16384
# where to save the files
# URL for original stream
URL = "http://url/path:port"
debug = True
log = None
class DatestampedWriter:
# output_path MUST have trailing '/'
def __init__(self, output_path, run_seconds ):
self.path = output_path
self.file = None
# needs to be -1 to avoid issue when 0 is a real timestamp
self.curr_timestamp = -1
self.running = False
# don't start until the _end_ of the current time block
# so calculate an initial timestamp as (now+FILE_SECONDS)
self.initial_timestamp = self.CalcTimestamp( FILE_SECONDS )
self.final_timestamp = self.CalcTimestamp( run_seconds )
if debug:
log = open(OUTPUT_DIRECTORY+"log_"+str(self.initial_timestamp)+".txt","w")
log.write("initial timestamp "+str(self.initial_timestamp)+", final "+str(self.final_timestamp)+" (diff "+str(self.final_timestamp-self.initial_timestamp)+")\n")
self.log = log
def Shutdown(self):
if self.file != None:
# write out buf
# returns True when we should stop
def Write(self, buf):
# check that we have the correct file open
# get timestamp
timestamp = self.CalcTimestamp()
if not self.running :
# should we start?
if timestamp == self.initial_timestamp:
if debug:
self.log.write( "starting running now\n" )
self.running = True
# should we open a new file?
if self.running and timestamp != self.curr_timestamp:
if debug:
self.log.write( "new timestamp "+str(timestamp)+"\n" )
# close old file
if ( self.file != None ):
# time to stop?
if ( self.curr_timestamp == self.final_timestamp ):
if debug:
self.log.write( " -- time to stop\n" )
self.running = False
return True
# open new file
filename = self.path+str(timestamp)+".str"
#if not os.path.exists(filename):
self.file = open(filename, "w")
self.curr_timestamp = int(timestamp)
# uh-oh
# if debug:
# self.log.write(" tried to open but failed, already there\n")
# self.running = False
# now write bytes
if self.running:
#print("writing "+str(len(buf)))
self.file.write( buf )
return False
def CalcTimestamp(self, seconds_offset=0):
t =
seconds = time.mktime(t.timetuple())+seconds_offset
# FILE_SECONDS intervals, 24 hour days
timestamp = seconds - ( seconds % FILE_SECONDS )
timestamp = timestamp % 86400
return int(timestamp)
writer = DatestampedWriter(OUTPUT_DIRECTORY, RUN_TIME)
writer_finished = False
# while been running for < (RUN_TIME + 5 minutes)
now = time.mktime(
stop_time = now + RUN_TIME + 5*60
while not writer_finished and time.mktime(<stop_time:
now = time.mktime(
# open the stream
if debug:
writer.log.write("opening stream... "+str(now)+"/"+str(stop_time)+"\n")
u = urllib.urlopen(URL)
except socket.timeout:
if debug:
writer.log.write("timed out, sleeping 60 seconds\n")
except IOError:
if debug:
writer.log.write("IOError, sleeping 60 seconds\n")
# read 1 block of input
buf =
timeouts = 0
while len(buf) > 0 and not writer_finished and now<stop_time and timeouts<MAX_TIMEOUTS:
# write to disc
writer_finished = writer.Write(buf)
# read 1 block of input
buf =
except socket.timeout:
# catch exception but do nothing about it
if debug:
writer.log.write("read timed out ("+str(timeouts)+")\n")
timeouts = timeouts+1
now = time.mktime(
# stream has closed,
if debug:
writer.log.write("read loop bailed out: timeouts "+str(timeouts)+", time "+str(now)+"\n")
# sleep 1 second before trying to open the stream again
now = time.mktime(
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