How can you tell at run time if a style applied to an object is the default style?

I want to be able to apply a style at runtime to an object ONLY if the current style is the default style. I don't want to override any custom styles. Does anyone know how to do this?


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2 answers

It looks like you can do it like this:

    someControl, FrameworkElement.StyleProperty).BaseValueSource 
    == BaseValueSource.Default;


You can wrap it in an extension way like this:

static public bool HasDefaultStyle(this FrameworkElement item)
    return DependencyPropertyHelper.GetValueSource(
        item, FrameworkElement.StyleProperty).BaseValueSource 
        == BaseValueSource.Default;


Then you can just call someControl.HasDefaultStyle()


Also, check out this article: Default Templates in WPF



Check the DefaultStyleKeyProperty value, which is a static property of any custom control.

string styleKeyName = DefaultStyleKeyProperty.Name;


Usually, if there is no style associated with the control, the name will be "DefaultStyleKey"



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