Can I get changes to file information in a specified directory using FindFirstChangeNotification and FindNextChangeNofication instead of ReadDirectoryChangesW?

I want to be notified when a specified directory has any changes in its files or subdirectories. I am implementing a function with the following simple code segment:

UINT myThreadFunc(LPVOID pParam)
  int changeCount = 0;

    HANDLE changeHandle = FindFirstChangeNotification(L"C:\\", TRUE, FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_FILE_NAME);
    WaitForSingleObject(changeHandle, INFINITE);
    cout<<"A modifaction has occured"<<endl;

    if (changeCount >= 10)
    if ( FindNextChangeNotification( changeHandle ) == FALSE )
  bIsExit = TRUE;
  return 0;


How can I get information like action type or filename without using ReadDirectoryChangesW



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1 answer

MSDN status:

This function does not indicate changes that met the pending condition. Use the ReadDirectoryChangesW function to get information about specific changes within a notification (check the link text )



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