Debugging Issues with Developers - Web Components Not Running

I am trying to get the Azure SDK up and running on my computer and I am having some problems.

I have installed SDK, VS tools and am trying to run samples. Every time I try to run the samples, the Storage Storage service starts, and then tries to get started with Fabric. They stop here. The developer cloth is unable to launch any websites for any reason.

I followed their checklist for system setup and there are no event messages. I am running Vista Home Premium with IIS 7 installed.

If you have any suggestions, I would love to hear them.


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2 answers

After being supremely frustrated with this issue, I posted it as Next Microsoft Connect .



It turns out my problem is a little deeper than just Azure not working on my machine.

To debug IIS applications using Windows Vista (configured as per project settings), IIS requires Windows Authentication. This feature cannot be installed, let alone enabled under Vista Home Premium under the pretext that the home user would like this feature.

For the average VS 2005 user this is fine, there is a fix , but there is no solution for me and my fantasy VS 2008 SP1.



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