How can I test my browser AJAX?

I always need to check every browser to see if my site will work. Is there a website where I can check it?

Update: I really don't want just screenshots (what browsers do), I want to test the test posting of my script.


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7 replies

Do you want the website to check your site for javascript compatibility? How do you expect it to know how to implement its interface in order to trigger the correct interactions? Or do you think it is doing some kind of static code analysis? I think you'd be better off coding a framework that solved most of the browser dependent idiosyncrasies and used them to test the browser capabilities before using them. jQuery, MooTools, Prototype / Scriptaculous, etc. a long way to go in solving these problems for javascript.

Note that you still need to worry about rendering your site, but you already have a few answers on how to do this based on websites. Personally, I just maintain IE / Safari / FF / Opera / Chrome on my workstation and do significant validation in IE / FF and basic validation in Safari / Opera / Chrome.



Even if there are websites that allow you to see a static snapshot of your site in multiple browsers, you should really test your page on them yourself, because there can be subtle and not so subtle errors and differences that are only obvious when interacting with the web. page.

You can pretty much cover yourself with testing in





If you are writing unit tests for your javascript you can use testwarm



BrowserShots can do what you want, as long as you can tell by providing a specific url regardless of whether everything works as expected.

In light of your update, you can still use BrowserShots by creating a page that checks each of your scripts and passes "pass" or "fail" as its content, depending on whether they work or not.

If not, Multiple IEs are quite useful for running different versions of IE on the same PC, which can be problematic otherwise.



There are several options:

This site will allow you to run multiple browsers and version without installation. You only need to install the plugin



There are many sites out there, just Google / Bing for browser compatibility testing. is good.

While most are just taking a snapshot of the site, you might have to manually check things like menus and dynamic content.



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