How do you manage and organize your stored procedures?

How do you organize your stored procedures so that you can easily find them and keep track of their dependencies?


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3 answers

I tend to call them by convention. Usually {TableName} _ {operation} {extra}, where the extra part is optional.

For example: Product_Get, Product_Add, Product_Delete, Product_Update, Product_GetByName



I am strongly considering creating database projects so that I can modify stored procedures and avoid confusion when deploying from development to production. Once they start syncing with a large project, things can get tricky.



I'm trying to keep the name as close as possible to what sp does. For example sp_Get *, sp_Set *, sp_Rep * etc. Although sp_ is super dense in a certain context, but due to the lack of source control integration (my pet) in Sybase, I use this nomenclature to keep track of them in my preferred source code control repository.



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