NUnit performs with an alternate constructor

I have a class that has some unit tests, but when I run the tests, I would like the class to be instantiated using a different constructor. Something like that:

public class MyClass
    public MyClass() { /* set up for production */ }

    public MyClass() { /* set up for testing */ }

    public void FirstTest()
        // assert some values


Is it possible?

I looked at using a static factory method to create a class in production (using a private constructor) and a public constructor for the testing framework.

Does anyone have any other solutions?


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3 answers

If you really want to, you can take a look at TestFixtureSetUp


Here's an introduction:

This attribute is used internally by TestFixture to provide a single set of functions that are executed once before any of the tests on the fixture are executed. There can be only one TestFixtureSetUp method in a TestFixture. If more than one is defined, TestFixture will compile successfully, but its tests will not run.


namespace NUnit.Tests
  using System;
  using NUnit.Framework;

  public class SuccessTests
    [TestFixtureSetUp] public void Init()
    { /* ... */ }

    [TestFixtureTearDown] public void Dispose()
    { /* ... */ }

    [Test] public void Add()
    { /* ... */ }


But you must use this with care, otherwise it will defeat the unit test goal .



You don't.

You don't have your tests written inside the class that you use in real code; you write your tests external to the classes. I believe most test facilities have a "Teardown" concept and vice versa; to set up a test environment for a given execution.



To give a quick example of a silky correct approach:

public class MyClass
    // ...

// In a different assembly:

public class TestMyClass
    public void SetUp()
        _myClass = new MyClass();

    public void FooReturnsTrue()
        Assert.That(_myClass.Foo(), Is.True);

    // more tests

    private MyClass _myClass;




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