Internet Explorer submit button style

I am making a web application and I have a design for it from a contracted project company. The design is pretty nice, I like it, but I came across one thing, I'm not sure how to implement it nicely.

The thing is, they redesigned the appearance of the buttons in accordance with the style of the page. So now I have two images - an up button and a down button. In Opera and FF, I just say something like this in css:

    background-image: url(btn_up.png);
    background-image: url(btn_down.png);


And it works like a charm. IE unfortunately doesn't understand the part :active

. As with most web apps, the IE crowd is the primary target audience, so it's pretty important that it looks good at the very least .

I've currently done a cumbersome workaround using JavaScript only for IE, but I'm wondering - isn't there a more elegant way to do this? Google and SO search didn't help.


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2 answers

As far as I know, CSS pseudo-classes are for links ONLY in IE. This may have changed in IE8, but I don't know about it. So basically I don't think there is an elegant way to implement it with CSS.

This is not a very useful answer, so I will also add that I will be implementing it using images and a client-side script, which is not elegant but should allow it to do the job in all browsers if the client-side script is correct.




"IE 7 supports: hover, but not: active, on all elements."



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