Replacing decimal point (from numpad) with correct decimal point (in silverlight!)

What I'm trying to do when the user is in the textbox (in silverlight 2.0):

  • When the user presses the decimal point (.) On the numeric keypad , I want to replace it with the correct decimal separator (which is the comma (,) in many countries)

I can track that the user has typed a decimal point by checking the keydown event

void Cell_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
     if (e.Key == Key.Decimal)


But how to replace this key with another one in Silverlight. e.Key

is read-only. Is there a way to "send another key" to the control? Or any other suggestions?


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8 answers

Using Alterlife's answer as a hint to replace content, I have the following working hack ... But I don't like it: - (.

  • This means that the Text property is set twice, once to the wrong value and then replaced with the correct value.
  • It only works for text fields
  • It's like a hack that might just stop working someday.

Therefore, suggestions for better, more versatile solutions are highly welcome!


    void CellText_KeyUp(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
        var DecSep = System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.NumberFormat.NumberDecimalSeparator;

        if (e.Key == Key.Decimal && DecSep != ".")
            if (e.OriginalSource is TextBox)
                var TB = (TextBox)e.OriginalSource;
                string sText = TB.Text;

                int iPos = TB.SelectionStart - 1;
                if (iPos >= 0)
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(sText.Substring(iPos, 1) == ".");

                    TB.Text = sText.Substring(0, iPos) + DecSep + sText.Substring(iPos + 1);
                    TB.SelectionStart = iPos + 1; // reposition cursor




The answer was found on the MSDN website: Replace-numpad-decimalpoint

Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Windows.Forms

Namespace My

    ' The following events are available for MyApplication:
    ' Startup: Raised when the application starts, before the startup form is created.
    ' Shutdown: Raised after all application forms are closed.  This event is not raised if the application terminates abnormally.
    ' UnhandledException: Raised if the application encounters an unhandled exception.
    ' StartupNextInstance: Raised when launching a single-instance application and the application is already active. 
    ' NetworkAvailabilityChanged: Raised when the network connection is connected or disconnected.

    Partial Friend Class MyApplication
        Private Sub MyApplication_Startup(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As Microsoft.VisualBasic.ApplicationServices.StartupEventArgs) Handles Me.Startup
            If Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.NumberFormat.NumberDecimalSeparator <> "." Then
                System.Windows.Forms.Application.AddMessageFilter(New CommaMessageFilter)

            End If
        End Sub

    End Class

    Friend Class CommaMessageFilter
        Implements IMessageFilter
        Private Const WM_KEYDOWN = &H100

        Public Function PreFilterMessage(ByRef m As System.Windows.Forms.Message) As Boolean Implements IMessageFilter.PreFilterMessage

            If m.Msg = WM_KEYDOWN Then
                Dim toets As Keys = CType(CType(m.WParam.ToInt32 And Keys.KeyCode, Integer), Keys)
                If toets = Keys.Decimal Then
                    Return True
                End If
            End If
            Return False
        End Function
    End Class

End Namespace




public class NumericUpDown : System.Windows.Controls.NumericUpDown
    protected override double ParseValue(string text)
        text = text.Replace(".", Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.NumberFormat.NumberDecimalSeparator);
        return base.ParseValue(text);





I have a solution for this which I am using in my winforms apps, suppose it should work in silverlight too. It's in vb, but converting it to C # shouldn't be a problem. Take a look here:



You can make changes to _LostFocus to change the period to comma or apply the correct culture to the input.

This won't change you as soon as you want, but it will do it as soon as the user leaves the text field.



Perhaps you could read the "key up" event instead of "key down" and replace the entire contents of the textbox with your (all) preferred replaced string on each key press.

However, I think you are going this wrong. There is a "," key on the keyboard. I would assume that if your user wanted to enter "," because this is the standard in his country, then this is what he hit. Replacing the keys on the screen is just confusing.



You are trying to override your system settings, which can confuse your users when they receive an incorrect response from an entered key ... What you can do is write a value converter that will ensure the correct value is formed before writing to the associated data field. Assuming your textbox is associated with an underlying data field ...




<script language="javascript">
function keypress1 ()
 var e=window.event || e
 unicode = e.charCode ? e.charCode : e.keyCode; 
 if (unicode==46)
   { return (e.charCode ? e.charCode=44 : e.keyCode=44); }
function keypress2 ()
 var e=window.event || e
 unicode = e.charCode ? e.charCode : e.keyCode; 
 if (unicode==46)
   { return (e.charCode ? e.charCode=46 : e.keyCode=46); }
function keyDown(e){
 if (!e){
   e = event
 var code=e.keyCode;
   return document.onkeypress=keypress1
 else if(code=188)
   {  document.onkeypress=keypress2 }
document.onkeydown = keyDown
<input type=text>




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