Generating XML file from script

I recently had a reason to include the creation of an XML configuration file in our script collection. The easiest way to do this is to hard-code the XML content as a string in a script, then just create a file and write that XML string to a file (named appropriately, etc.). Is there a more elegant or efficient way to do this?

The script line I want to change is written in VBScript.


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3 answers

you can use XmlWriter to avoid printing lines. This will make it easier to write well-formed XML documents.

You can find a free sample code in VBScript here



Very important to read if you are considering strings: HOWTO Avoid being called Bozo when creating XML



My final solution: adapted the XMLWriter mentioned in divo (he used it pretty much as it is, apart from one or two changes, since this script needs to run on the client). Also adapted the code here to print the XML nicely (so that it can be read when exiting to the file):

Function XMLToString(Nodes)
  dim retStr
  retStr = "<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""utf-8"" ?>"
  XMLToString = retStr & vbNewLine & NodesToString(Nodes, 0)
End Function

Function NodesToString(Nodes, Indent)
   Dim xNode
   Dim retStr

   retStr = ""
   For Each xNode In Nodes
      Select Case xNode.nodeType
        Case 1:   ' NODE_ELEMENT
          If xNode.nodeName <> "#document" Then
            ' change DisplayAttrs_(xNode, Indent + 2) to 
            ' DisplayAttrs_(xNode, 0) for inline attributes
            retStr = retStr & VBNewLine & strDup(" ", Indent)  & "<" & xNode.nodeName & AttributesToString(xNode) & ">"
            If xNode.hasChildNodes Then
              retStr = retStr & NodesToString(xNode.childNodes, Indent + 2)
            End If
            retStr = retStr & VBNewLine & strDup(" ", Indent) & "</" & xNode.nodeName & ">"
            If xNode.hasChildNodes Then
              retStr = retStr & NodesToString(xNode.childNodes, Indent + 2)
            End If
          End If
        Case 3:   ' NODE_TEXT                       
          retStr = retStr & VBNewLine & strDup(" ", Indent) & xNode.nodeValue
      End Select

   NodesToString = retStr
End Function

Function AttributesToString(Node)
   Dim xAttr, res

   res = ""
   For Each xAttr In Node.attributes
        res = res & " " & & "=""" & xAttr.value & """"

   AttributesToString = res
End Function

Function strDup(dup, c)
  Dim res, i

  res = ""
  For i = 1 To c
    res = res & dup
  strDup = res
End Function




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