How to do iterative fold in sql

Hi I want to perform a rolling sum (valx) based on the previous value of the gland sum row (valy) and the current value of the valx row

valy = previousrow_valy + valx

animal valx valy 
cat    1    1 
cat    3    4 
cat    2    6 
dog    4    4 
dog    6    10 
dog    7    17 
dog    8    25 



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1 answer

This is where you define the order.

Assuming you want to order somecolumn


In Oracle

and PostgreSQL 8.4


SELECT  animal, valx, SUM(valx) OVER (PARTITION BY animal ORDER BY somecolumn) AS valy
FROM    mytable




SELECT  animal, valx,
        @valy := CASE WHEN @animal = animal THEN @valy + valx ELSE valx END AS valy,
        @animal := animal
FROM    (
        SELECT  @valy = 0,
                @animal := NULL
        ) vars,
        animal, somecolumn


This SQL Server

is one of the rare cases where creation is CURSOR

more efficient.

All databases (including SQL Server

) support the syntax ANSI


SELECT  animal, valx,
        SELECT  SUM(valx)
        FROM    mytable mi
        WHERE   mi.animal = mo.animal
                AND mi.somecolumn <= mo.somecolumn
        ) AS valy
FROM    mytable mo


however, this is inefficient if mytable

there are many records in, the execution time grows likeO(n^2)



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