Team System 2008 and VS 2005 Code

Our company is translating the code from VS 2005. I know they will not be able to use VS 2008 to access it, but we have a patch to enable web access for TFS 2008 applied to our TFS server. This means they can access the source code over the Internet, but do the work in VS 2005.

Eventually the code will be rewritten in VS 2008, but we need to keep the legacy code using a source control tool. SVN is not an acceptable solution since we are a .NET home computer.

Does anyone see any problems with this?



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6 answers

VS2005 works great with TFS2008, the only thing to consider is in the Team Build area where you might need a few VS2008 clients to help you manage your builds. VS2008 and VS2005 can live happily side by side on the same machine.

Hope it helps,




I don't understand your statement that you are "going to code" ... VS2008 does not change any code in the VS2005 project / solution, just the project / solution files. Why are you moving to VS2008 for just some of your people? It seems like it's best for everyone to upgrade to VS2008. I doubt any of your developers will have any complaints about VS2008 unless they are running old hardware or something.



We did several updates from 2005 to 2008 and had no real issues. Just open the solution in 2008 and let it update. Then create a new project in TFS and add the updated source code to it. We keep the old TFS project and source code for reference purposes, but we rarely have to go back to it.



Where have you heard that VS2005 cannot work with TFS 2008, and that VS2008 won't open VS2005 projects? As sliderhouserules said, only the project files are changed and even then not like VS 2005 cannot open them.

I always test new tools when they come out and with VS2008 I could run it side-by-side with another developer in my department and they never knew.



Hrm .... I don't want the project to be converted. It has been mentioned that they want to use TFS for source control but not move the project to 2008. I wanted to get an idea of ​​how to use TFS 2008 with a 2005 project.

I know I can run the 2.0 framework in 2008. I just don't want it to convert it in 2008 as we have plans to rewrite the app. I will try to reopen the solution without updating it.




Do you have an assembly in TFS08? I remember seeing a message stating that the build in SLN was not honored by the build. I think it was suggested to specify the projects themselves to create.



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