What is the best practice to run multiple tasks (threads) with one timeout (takes no more than 30 seconds for all threads)?

I came up with a solution, but I wanted to know if anyone has a better way or a more standard way to do this.

The main method demonstrates how I will use this class. In a production version of this, I would leave the thread pool open and continue to reuse it rather than close it after calls.

public class MultiCallManager<T>

private ExecutorService service;
private Map<String, Future<T>> futureResults;
private Map<String, T> results;
private Map<String, Exception> errors;

public MultiCallManager(ExecutorService inService)
    service = inService;
    futureResults = new LinkedHashMap<String, Future<T>>();
    results = new LinkedHashMap<String, T>();
    errors = new LinkedHashMap<String, Exception>();

public void add(String key, Callable<T> task)
    Future<T> result = service.submit(task);
    futureResults.put(key, result);

public boolean hasErrors()
    return !errors.isEmpty();

public T getResult(String key)
    return results.get(key);

public Exception getException(String key)
    return errors.get(key);

public void waitUntilDone(long timeout)
    for (Entry<String, Future<T>> entry : futureResults.entrySet())
        if (timeout < 0)
            timeout = 0;
        long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
            results.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().get(timeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS));
        catch (Exception e)
            errors.put(entry.getKey(), e);
        long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
        long time = end - start;
        timeout = timeout - time;

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
    ExecutorService service = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(5);

    MultiCallManager sandbox = new MultiCallManager(service);

    final String value = "AWESOME!";

    Callable<Object> c1 = new Callable<Object>()

        public String call() throws Exception
            return value;

    Callable<Object> c2 = new Callable<Object>()

        public Object call() throws Exception
            return value;

    Callable<Object> c3 = new Callable<Object>()

        public Object call() throws Exception
            return value;

    sandbox.add("c1", c1);
    sandbox.add("c2", c2);
    sandbox.add("c3", c3);

    if (sandbox.getResult("c1") != null)
    if (sandbox.getResult("c2") != null)
    if (sandbox.getResult("c3") != null)




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1 answer

Have a look at CompletionService and / or CountDownLatch, which they would accomplish with some of the things you do with nicer code.

CompletionService provides an interface similar to BlockingQueue, so you can use the poll (long timeout, TimeUnit unit) method . Every time you poll, you want to set a timeout to the amount of time remaining for all threads and just exit when the time runs out.

This essentially replaces your waitUntilDone method, doing the same job.



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