Best Way to Sanitize / Filter User Comments?

I am currently using this process for Sanitize / Filter comments entered by users ->
This is used to divide the forward slash ... and

 if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
        function stripslashes_deep($value)
            $value = is_array($value) ?
                        array_map('stripslashes_deep', $value) :

            return $value;

        $_POST = array_map('stripslashes_deep', $_POST);
        $_GET = array_map('stripslashes_deep', $_GET);
        $_COOKIE = array_map('stripslashes_deep', $_COOKIE);
        $_REQUEST = array_map('stripslashes_deep', $_REQUEST);


The comment then goes through this function to sanitize the data ...

   function my_strip_tags($str) {
                        $res = $res.'&lt;'.$strs[$i];
                        $res = $res.'<'.$strs[$i];
             return strip_tags($res);   


After that, it goes straight to the database using a prepared statement.

function add_comment($comment,$type,$update_id,$user_id){
            $query="INSERT INTO comment_updates (updateid,userid,comment) VALUES(?,?,?)";
                if($stmt=$this->conn->prepare($query)) {
                    return true;


I just wanted to know if this is safe enough or if they have any other better alternatives ... Thanks


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5 answers

Don't write your own HTML sanitizer. You will create XSS holes.

If you are going to write your own, at least run xss smoketests against it

Between these tests and the comparison of htmlpurifier filters , you should be able to get an idea of ​​how complex html processing is - and why you should leave it to the pros.



The most important thing when thinking about storing data in a database is to avoid it; using mysql_real_escape_string

, or mysqli_real_escape_string

, or PDO::quote

, depending on the db you are using (or other functions for oracle / pg / ...)

Another solution would be to use prepared statements (see mysqli::prepare

and / or PDO::prepare

- those not supported by the old extension mysql_*

), which will deal with escaping data in your place; -)

When you think about HTML output, you have two solutions:

I would go with either the first or the last solution; yours feels more "dangerous", but that's just a feeling ^ (general idea of ​​"not reinventing the wheel")



Your magic handling of quotes is fine, although if you create get parameters with quotes you also need stripslashes keys. :)

As far as strip-tags are concerned, you're better off with a real HTML filter library. There are so many html-related reasons that you just shouldn't trust everything you just do and forget about them. People spend time creating these HTML filters, so use their work to your advantage.

As far as "right in the DB" is concerned, well in linked parameters is certainly so great. You can safely put anything in a bound parameter. On the quoted string, I hope you are avoiding the result.



Remove all symbols by placing them in the database. When retrieving and displaying, be sure to avoid html formatting such as <sometag>

to have it displayed instead of being treated as code.



PHP has little-known but powerful built-in sanitation features. I would recommend using these:

Input filtering in PHP

filter_input and filter_var



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