Help with php base (2)

This is an extension of the question I had yesterday.

I am trying to make a small php calculator that will show how much people can save on their phone bills if they switch to VoIP, and how much they can save with each service.

I have a form that spits out the correct amount for a monthly invoice here:

But now I need to integrate this with some other data and put it into a table. The prices for each of the different services are in a different file called "values.php". Values:



I want each of the seven rows of the table to have one of the values ​​of the calcsavings clause subtracted from the MonthlyBill value.

The php code currently looks like this:

  <?php $monthlybill = $_GET['monthlybill']; ?>

 Your monthly bill was <?php echo "$monthlybill"; ?>

   $offer ='offer'.$re.'name';
 $offername= ${$offer};
     $offerlo ='offer'.$re.'logo';
    $offerli ='offer'.$re.'link';
$offeran ='offer'.$re.'anchor';
$offerst ='offer'.$re.'star1';
$offerca ='offer'.$re.'calcsavings';

echo '<tr >
     <td >
 <a href="'.$offerlink.'" target="blank">
 <img src="'.$offerlogo.'" alt="'.$offername.'" />
<td ><span class="rating_text">Rating:</span>
 <span class="star_rating1">
 <img src="'.$offerstar.'" alt="" />
 </span><br />
  <div style="margin-top:5px; color:#0000FF;">
 <a href="'.$offerlink.'" target="blank">Go to Site</a>
 <span style="margin:0px 7px 0px 7px;">|</span>
 <a href="'.$offeranchor.'">Review</a>
 </div> </td>
<td >'.$offercalcsavings.'</td>

   $offer ='offer'.$re.'name';
 $offername= ${$offer};




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3 answers

I want each of the seven rows of the table to have one of the Calculate values ​​from the monthly value.

You need to do the math somewhere. Presumably you will do this before the echo statement, where you will output your string.

$offerwithsavings = $monthlybill - $offercalcsavings


Then just remember to include it in your spreadsheet somewhere.

<td >'.$offerwithsavings.'</td>


The real recipe for this code is an array and foreach () loop, but I thought I'd keep my answer simple for now. Array outlines and foreach () are very powerful and relatively fast and easy to learn. You should give them an in-depth study.



You can include the values.php file like this:

include 'path/to/values.php';


If you put the values ​​in values.php into an array, you can easily loop them through the foreach:
in values.php;

$values['1calsavings'] = 24.99;
$values['2calsavings'] = 20.00;


Then in another file:

include 'path/to/values.php';
foreach($values as $name => $amount){
 echo '<some_markup>';
 echo "$name $amount";
 echo '</some_markup>'; 





Use arrays!


$offercalcsavings[0] = "24.99";  
$offercalcsavings[1] = "20.00";  
etc. etc.


Then you actually loop through:

for($i = 0; $i < CONSTANT_THAT_EQUALS_7; $i++) {
    echo "<html bits>";
    echo $offercalcsavings[$i];
    echo $offerlink[$i];
    etc. etc.




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