Parameterized insert statement with error transaction
I had a parameterized insert statement that worked well and I needed to add a select statement and wrap it all in a transaction to get the data for one of the fields to insert. I'm not sure if I hit the constraint using ASP / ADO, or if I have something syntactically wrong. Here's my code:
set oSQLCommand = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
with oSQLCommand
.ActiveConnection = conn
.CommandType = 1
.CommandText = "set nocount on " &_
"begin transaction " &_
"declare @docid integer " &_
"begin " &_
"set @docid = (SELECT MAX(id+1) AS docid FROM draft_main) " &_
"INSERT INTO draft_details (id, main_id, blah) " &_
"VALUES ( ?, @docid, ?)" &_
"end " &_
.Parameters(0).value = c_id
.Parameters(1).value = "blah blah"
end with
set oSQLCommand = nothing
When I run this code, I get this error message that is thrown when I try to set the parameter value (0)
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server (0x80004005) Syntax error or access violation
Any idea what's wrong?
I have a lot of experience with ASP and SQL, but none of them contain stored procedures. Is this code so painfully close to a stored procedure, should I just move it around and call it good?
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1 answer
Try to put; after each individual statement. eg
.CommandText = "set nocount on; " &_
"begin transaction; " &_
"declare @docid integer; " &_
"begin " &_
"set @docid = (SELECT MAX(id+1) AS docid FROM draft_main); " &_
"INSERT INTO draft_details (id, main_id, blah) " &_
"VALUES ( ?, @docid, ?);" &_
"end ;" &_
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