How can I turn off cross-site scripting protection in my own browser?

I want to load a page from a domain inside an iframe on another page of the domain and then access its content using JS. of course it would be XSS, so I would get a "Permission denied to get property HTMLDocument ..." error. The thing is, I want to do this in my own browser and not on a public site (i.e. I don't need to protect it from me), so I would gladly disable this protection temporarily. I am using firefox 3.5 and would like to know if this can be done with this or other browsers.


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3 answers

Update Nov.2016 An easier way to disable the same origin policy in Chrome is to run it with the following flags:

google-chrome --disable-web-security --user-data-dir


Update: Be aware of what area you are requesting elevated privileges in. Method one works as expected, catch should ask for elevated privileges in the same scope where you will use it (in the same function, in the global scope ...), it will not work in any other scope.
I've updated the example with working code.

It's in the documentation:
Privileges are only granted as part of the requesting function. This scope includes any functions called by the requesting function. When the script function leaves the requesting function, the privileges are no longer applied.

I am trying to do the same for my intranet sites (we have 47 different domanis based on server location and it would be easy to disable the "same origin policy" for those sites in Firefox applications only).

According to the documentation on the mozilla site, these methods should work ... I found from googling that this was true for Firefox 2, I tested in FF3 and FF4 and doesn't seem to work. You should try this, maibe il will work for you, I am still looking for a solution

Method 1.

  • Modify about:config

    and set signed.applets.codebase_principal_support

    to true

    (this will allow unsigned scripts to prompt for elevated privileges)

  • In the parent script, request elevated privileges:

<html> <& head GT; <script
type = "text / JavaScript">
   xss () function
     try { ("UniversalBrowserRead");
    } catch (e)
        alert (e); // console.log (e) if you have firebug
    Alert (document.getElementById ('frame') contentWindow.document.); // console.log ()
< / script> </ head>
<body onLoad = "xss ();" > <iframe id = "frame"
src = ""> </IFRAME>
</ body> </HTML>

3. Now when you load the page, FF will ask for your permission to grant script privileges: firefox confirm box

Allow this and you should receive a warning with the text: [object HTMLDocument]

Before making any changes, if I try to access ....contentWindow.document

, I get this error:

Error: A script from "" was denied UniversalBrowserRead privileges.


After I got this:

Permission denied for <> to get property Window.document from <>.


If you like working on the command line, you can skip steps 1 and 3 and edit the presf.js file (on Linux: /home/$yourUser/.mozilla/firefox/$yourProfile/prefs.js) and add 4 lines

user_pref("signed.applets.codebase_principal_support", true);
user_pref("capability.principal.codebase.p0.granted", "UniversalBrowserRead");
user_pref("", "");
user_pref("capability.principal.codebase.p0.subjectName", "");


Method 2.

Try adding a policy to allow sites to bypass SOP for this edit prefs.js and add these lines:

user_pref("capability.policy.policynames", "example");
user_pref("capability.policy.example.HTMLDocument", "allAccess");
user_pref("capability.policy.example.sites", "");


Unfortunately, even Method 2 doesn't do the job.

I am still looking for a solution. If I find anything new, I will update the answer.



I know this is going to sound smart, but I really don't mean it like that. This is an honest suggestion if it works for you, because I doubt any browser will allow you to edit settings to make it vulnerable.

Use an old browser. If necessary, install an older OS on the virtual machine to get an old enough browser not to have this protection.



The Greasemonkey version of XMLHttpRequest allows requests to cross policy boundaries of the same origin. This might do the trick as it's just for your own local development.

Also, early versions of Greasemonkey inadvertently exposed this feature to content scripts, which of course became a serious security flaw. It would be possible to develop an extension that would do the same, or only expose a custom function in certain situations.



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