How to import User object into Scala web framework Lift?

I am following the Raise tutorial and is linking to an object User

. He doesn't say where he is from. I couldn't find it in the API either. Does anyone know what I need to import in order to get it?

Here's a sample code from FK to User

in the model:

object owner extends MappedLongForeignKey(this, User) 



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1 answer

The custom object will be part of your source. Assuming you run the com.liftworkshop project, it will be in todo / src / main / scala / com / liftworkshop / model / User.scala and can be imported from "com.liftworkshop.model.User".

The custom class and default object are built from the MetaProtoUser and MetaMegaProtoUser properties in the net.liftweb.mapper file.



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