Is there a module that allows Django / Python to work with gnupg?

I was wondering if there is any django module or, in such case, any python module that will allow me to create my own application to manage creation, administration, etc. GnuPG keys, and the ability to sign and encrypt documents through this app?

If there is no such module, how can I do it?



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2 answers

GnuPGInterface can do all of this - it is essentially a Python wrapper around the GnuPG program.

PyMe may be easier to use as it is designed to bypass GPGME (ME = Made Easy).

From PyME features page :

  • The ability to sign, encrypt, decrypt and verify data.

  • Ability to list keys, export and import keys, and manage keyring.



I wrote a Django django-email-extras app that does exactly what you're looking for. It allows users to manage GPG keys with the Django admin and encrypts all mail to recipients with valid keys and includes support for multi-part templates with file attachments.



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