Sysprocess in SQL Server

Some naive questions ask numbers in sysprocesses. What I concluded by looking at the numbers cpu, physical_io, memusage

Do any of these numbers compute the final sum? Also, I notice that when I run the request, the beomes status is "runnable". When the request stops, it becomes "sleeping". However, the used data has not yet been reached Am I still consuming these resources?


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Straight from Books Online :

cpu: Cumulative CPU time for the process.

physical_io: Massive disk reads and writes for the process.

Since they are cumulative, they will not judge anything. I'm pretty sure some things haven't changed (that much) since this article, where they define the CPU in milliseconds of user mode time consumed by process and physical_io as synchronous reads and writes.

memusage: The number of pages in the procedure cache that are currently allocated to this process. A negative number indicates that the process is freeing memory allocated by another process.

This is the current number, so this is indeed the actual number of pages allocated for this process.

It is difficult to infer from just the processor and physical_io as the numbers are cumulative. While they are often inconclusive, I personally just use columns to find outliers when diagnosing a problem.



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