Don't know how to write a complex SQL query

I have the following db structure:

File, User, FileRevision (has a foreign key for the file and many-two-many connections through the intermediate table for the user).

I want to get all the FileRevision files that are:

  • are the newest / freshest in their respective files,
  • there are many-2-many links to the user doing the search (permission check).

I found out I can do (1) by doing something like:

SELECT created_on, file_id FROM FileRevision
WHERE created_on = (SELECT MAX(created_on) FROM FileRevision
                    WHERE filed_id = file_id)


but i dont know how to do m2m permission check at the same time


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3 answers

This is a variation of the "largest n-per-group" problem. This is how I solve it without subquery and not GROUP BY


FROM Permissions p -- this is the many-to-many table
JOIN FileRevision f1
  ON (f1.file_id = p.file_id)
LEFT OUTER JOIN FileRevision f2 
  ON (f2.file_id = p.file_id AND f1.created_on < f2.created_on)
WHERE p.user_id = ? AND f2.file_id IS NULL;


Substitute your desired user ID for " ?




Just add this to your request:

SELECT created_on, file_id
FROM FileRevision fr
WHERE fr.user_id = ?


Replace? with whatever value you want based on checking your permission.

Also, if you replace your query with:

SELECT created_on, file_id 
FROM FileRevision fr 
    SELECT file_id, MAX(created_on) as latestDate 
    FROM FileRevision 
    GROUP BY file_id
  ) latest ON latest.file_id = fr.file_id 
           AND latest.latestDate = fr.created_on


You will avoid a correlated (duplicate) subquery.



To check permissions, you need to check if an entry exists in another many-2-many permission table for the user requesting the files. So add an And / OR Exists ... clause ... If you want (as I suspect) only the last revision that is being requested, use AND.

If you want both the last one and the records that the query is accessing use OR.

SELECT created_on, file_id 
FROM FileRevision r
WHERE created_on = 
    (SELECT MAX(created_on) 
     FROM FileRevision                    
     WHERE file_id = r.file_id)
  And Exists       --  Change 'And' to 'Or if you want both
     (Select * From M2MIntermediatePermissionsTable
      Where File_Id = r.File_Id
          And userId = ?)




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