JQuery bind error "event not defined"
I am currently doing something like this in markup
<input type="text" ONKEYPRESS="InputNumeric(event);" id="txtNumber" />
But I want to use jQuery's bind method instead of all the obvious reasons.
$("#txtNumber").bind("keyup", InputNumeric(event));
But when I try to do this I get the following error
"event not defined"
What does this syntax look like?
The actual solution I got is shown below.
$("#txtPriority").keypress(function (e) { InputInteger(e); });
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3 answers
Arguments passed back through jquery callbacks are always implied, so just write the function name.
function InputNumeric(event){
$(event.target).dosomething(); // is the same as
Example: http://www.sanchothefat.com/dev/sfhelp/jquery-args.html
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