How do I run the Initialize method when trying a Unit Test?

I have an override below to do a few things with cookies using a FormsIdentity object. But when I instantiate the controller in my unit test, this method doesn't get triggered. Any ideas how to do this?

   protected override void Initialize(System.Web.Routing.RequestContext requestContext)

        // Grab the user login information from FormsAuth
        _userState = new UserState();
        if (this.User.Identity != null && this.User.Identity is FormsIdentity)

        // have to explicitly add this so Master can see untyped value
        this.UserState = _userState;
        //this.ViewData["ErrorDisplay"] = this.ErrorDisplay;

        // custom views should also add these as properties



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is called internally ControllerBase.Execute(RequestContext)

, which in turn can be called by an explicit implementation IController.Execute(RequestContext)

, so this code will initialize and execute the controller:

IController controller = new TestController();

I've analyzed the dependency tree for Initialize()

, and I don't see any other way to call this method without resorting to Reflection. You will need to create the RequestContext

passed in Execute()

, which is easier as it looks like you are using Moq:

var wrapper = new HttpContextWrapper(httpContext);
var requestContext = new RequestContext(wrapper, new RouteData());


This link contains useful information about mocking HttpContext using Moq.



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