WindowsIdentity in legacy ASP

I created a .Net library at work which is used by all of our developers. The security part uses Microsoft AzMan for the security backend. To create a ClientContext for security (AzMan), I have to pass it a token value (as a uint). All of this is fine until I need to make a COM wrapper for our shared library, so some of our legacy pages can take advantage of it without rewriting at the moment.

I cannot figure out how to pass the token value to AzMan from the old ASP. The COM wrapper is configured to act as a COM server and runs as a specific user, which we use here for all COM objects, so the shared library can't just pull the ID using .Net.

Any ideas?


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3 answers

If you can't get the token, you can always use IAzApplication.InitializeClientContextFromName by getting the username from the request in your asp page and passing it to your com + component.



Are you using anonymous input in your IIS configuration? If you are using Windows Authentication and follow these steps in classic ASP, you should get a logged in user:





In classic ASP, you have to get the token from an external COM object.

It's been a long time since I ran into classic ASP ... but someone here who has dealt with impersonation in classic ASP might have a piece of code they can use.



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