How can I use two parallel web applications on VS2008 / VSS8.0 / ASP.NET / IIS for trunk and branch version?

Applications I am using: Visual Studio 2008 (C # / ASP.NET) Visual Source Safe 8.0 IIS 5.1

I have two web applications named the same, but one is used for major releases and the other for minor (trunk and branch). I am wondering if there is an option in Visual Studio that prevents an ASP.NET application from being created in IIS using the project name of the web application. Since they are both named the same, I have to go into IIS and change the application path to point to the primary (or secondary) folder when I switch between them.

I would like to do something like this:



but web projects still have the same name. I know I can go into the properties of each project file and point to different places, but I think it breaks something when you want to merge between them.

Any ideas would be much appreciated.


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3 answers

Instead of creating HTTP based projects in your visual studio solution, add them as file projects where the website will be accessed as c: \ inetput \ wwwroot \ major_version (for example) in visual studio (not http: / / localhost ). This way you can have any setting you want in IIS and your projects won't conflict when you merge them.



Your web application project will allow you to name the virtual directory anything you want. VS2008 expands on this by allowing you to set this on a per-user basis, so this information will not be saved in the project file and therefore will not be transferred to the source code.



You can manually create a new web application in IIS and point it to the working directory. Visual Studio must adhere to these settings.



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