How to map (local) to non-standard SQL Server?

I installed SQL Server 2008 (SQL Server 2005 was already installed) in the XP box and named my local database instance so it won't collide with SQL Server 2005.

Now I want to change the mapping (local) from SQL Server 2005 to my custom SQL Server 2008 instance. Does anyone know how to do this?


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3 answers

I'm afraid Mladen is right.

  • You can move a db from one instance to another using attach / detach or backup / restore.

  • You can transfer all logins (if needed) from this method .

  • You can move the SQL Agent scripts to by right clicking on them on the existing server and selecting generate script, then run that script on the new server.


You will need to do the following (suppose you want to make your instance the default 2008):

  • Install an instance named 2005.
  • Move the default to name using the method above.
  • Delete the default 2005 instance.
  • Install the 2008 default instance.
  • Move the default name using the method above.
  • Delete the 2008 named instance.

Good luck!



No. you will have to reinstall both.



Create an alias in sql config manager. Enable named pipes for your surface configuration instance and you will be in business.



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