How do I connect to the IBM 3770 Remote Job Entry System for 10 + 2 Customs Border Patrol using Java?

I am working on a project to send new 10 + 2 security data for customs and border patrols (as required by DHS). Anyone else doing this? I need to be able to send our data files through an input gateway of a given type of IBM 3770 using the job control language and all the old junk files.

The question is: is there a Java API that will handle aspects of the IBM 3770? Perhaps I will build one in this project ...

This ooo reminds me of my old COBOL days. Never thought I'd be doing JCL again ...


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1 answer

I thought CBP did away with 3770 dial-up altogether. As I understand it, everything has switched to IBM MQ. We use MQ to connect to CBP in our business. It's much easier and more reliable. You can also talk to him via JMS.



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