Basic help in php form (currency display)

You guys were very helpful yesterday. I'm still a little confused though.

I want to make the numbers in the rightmost column round to the nearest dollar:

the table code looks like this:

I want the sentence $ [1,2,3,4,5,6,7] calcsavingsann to be rounded, how can this be done?

 <table width="100%;" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"class="credit_table2" >

    <tr class="credit_table2_brd">
     <td class="credit_table2_brd_lbl" width="100px;">Services:</td>
<td class="credit_table2_brd_lbl" width="120px;">Our Ratings:</td>
<td class="credit_table2_brd_lbl" width="155px;">Monthly VoIP Bill:</td>
<td class="credit_table2_brd_lbl" width="155px;">Annual Savings:</td>




 $offer1calcsavings= $monthlybill - $offer1price;
 $offer2calcsavings= $monthlybill - $offer2price;
 $offer3calcsavings= $monthlybill - $offer3price;
 $offer4calcsavings= $monthlybill - $offer4price;
 $offer5calcsavings= $monthlybill - $offer5price;
 $offer6calcsavings= $monthlybill - $offer6price;
 $offer7calcsavings= $monthlybill - $offer7price;


 $offer1calcsavingsann= $offer1calcsavings * 12;
 $offer2calcsavingsann= $offer2calcsavings * 12;
 $offer3calcsavingsann= $offer3calcsavings * 12;
 $offer4calcsavingsann= $offer4calcsavings * 12;
 $offer5calcsavingsann= $offer5calcsavings * 12;
 $offer6calcsavingsann= $offer6calcsavings * 12;
 $offer7calcsavingsann= $offer7calcsavings * 12;

   $offer ='offer'.$re.'name';
 $offername= ${$offer};
$offerlo ='offer'.$re.'logo';
$offerli ='offer'.$re.'link';
$offeran ='offer'.$re.'anchor';
$offerst ='offer'.$re.'star1';
$offerca ='offer'.$re.'calcsavings';
    $offerpr ='offer'.$re.'price';
$offersavann ='offer'.$re.'calcsavingsann';

echo '<tr >
     <td >
 <a href="'.$offerlink.'" target="blank"><img src="'.$offerlogo.'" alt="'.$offername.'" />
<td ><span class="rating_text">Rating:</span>
 <span class="star_rating1">
 <img src="'.$offerstar.'" alt="" />
 <br />
  <div style="margin-top:5px; color:#0000FF;">
 <a href="'.$offerlink.'" target="blank">Go to Site</a>
 <span style="margin:0px 7px 0px 7px;">|</span><a href="'.$offeranchor.'">Review</a>     

 </div> </td>
       <td >$'.$offerprice.'</td>
     <td >$'.$offercalcsavingsann.'</td>

   $offer ='offer'.$re.'name';
 $offername= ${$offer};






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4 answers

Do you want to round up / down / truncate to the nearest dollar?

Here are some suggested features that you can use:





Formatting / Truncation




Grepsedawk's answer is good; I would add that instead of displaying $ 336.6 for example, you could use number_format to display $ 336.60.

(I know this is not your question, but looking at the link I thought it might be helpful for you.)

Edit - Thanks Andy for suggesting money_format instead.




is a function that returns the string value of a formatted number. You have control over the formatting and obviously your number. A simple example, if you have a value in a variable $myNumber

, you can include the result in a given table data cell like so:

<?php echo ("<td>".money_format('%n',$myNumber)."</td>"); ?>


And you will need to do this for each value, eg. through the loop for

if you have all your values ​​in an array. n

here is one of the formatting options - there are several of them. A good place to look would be on the PHP webpage at Hope this helps.



I can't figure out how to use it correctly. The way to use echo is

echo '<tr >

  <td ><a href="'.$offerlink.'" target="blank"><img src="'.$offerlogo.'" alt="'.$offername.'" /></a></td>

 <td ><span class="rating_text">Rating:</span><span class="star_rating1"><img src="'.$offerstar.'" alt="" /></span><br />

  <div style="margin-top:5px; color:#0000FF;"><a href="'.$offerlink.'" target="blank">Go to Site</a><span style="margin:0px 7px 0px 7px;">|</span><a href="'.$offeranchor.'">Review</a></div>   </td>

  <td >$'.$offerprice.'</td>

<td >$'.$offercalcsavingsann.'</td>



I have set "set locale" to the top where



there is. I don't understand how to write this, and every way I do it just returns an error.



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