Fix date and time columns in MySQL

I have a timezone mismatch. I need to adjust the table. All dates and times prior to the unix timestamp 1253568477 must have 5 hours added to their values ​​to make them equal to GMT.

I have the following columns ...


(data type date

), off for -5 hours


(data type time

), off for -5 hours


(datatype int

) this column is the correct time

The reason the time zones are disabled is due to the way I was setting the values ​​when inserting rows ...

$sql = "insert into email_opens (userid, email, serial, date, time, timestamp) values (


The value now()

used the server's time zone (Eastern), while the value was gmmktime

specified as GMT. I have since corrected this query to always use GMT.

Is there a way to add 5 hours for columns time

and date

for those rows where timestamp <1253568477 in one batch query?


My goal is to update every wrong row in the table with the correct time by adding 5 hours to each value.


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2 answers

Try the following:

UPDATE mail_opens SET date = DATE_ADD(CONCAT(date, ' ', time), INTERVAL 5 HOUR), time = DATE_ADD(CONCAT(date, ' ', time), INTERVAL 5 HOUR);


And you probably need the following:

    echo date('Y-m-d H:i:s')."<br>";
    $addhours = strtotime('+5 hour');
    echo $addhours."<br>";
    $newdate = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $addhours);
    echo $newdate;


So, using this:

$addhours = strtotime('+5 hour');
$newdate = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $addhours);
$sql = "insert into email_opens (userid, email, serial, date, time, timestamp) values (




make sure you fix the problem so you only know to update entries that are less than the unix timestamp of your timezone.

Then update the field and add 60 * 60 * 5 (5 hours in seconds) to these entries.

So your request will be as follows:

UPDATE email_opens SET timestamp = (timestamp + 18000) WHERE timestamp < 1253568477;





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