Rookie SQL inside VB question - MSAccess 2003

Hey guys can someone help me with a simple question. I have this SQL statement below in a sub in VB accessed by button click and I am new to this.

This is what I typed:

Private Sub Command0_Click()
  Dim rs As Recordset
  Dim sql As String
  Dim db As Database

  Set db = CurrentDb

  sql = "SELECT * FROM Transactions"

  Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(sql)

  Do Until rs.EOF

  If Not rs.EOF Then

    MsgBox "test"
  End If

End Sub


Ok, so how can I fill this in? Basically, this is where I start, so I'm wondering how I can take this simple code and run it as a query to open the resulting recordset.



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4 answers

some other notes and tips:

1) Always indicate what type of recordset you are using. Here it appears to be a DAO Recordset, so skip to the full declaration like:

Dim rs as DAO.recordset


Running on a different computer, and depending on the order in which the ADODB and DAO libraries are declared, the same code may generate an error.

2) To avoid the error message if the entry is not available, you can add an additional test like

if rs.recordcount = 0 then


3) To view the complete set of records using debug.print, you can do it this way. Just declare 'm_debugLine' as string and 'fld' as DAO.Field in your declarations.

do while not rs.eof
    m_debugLine = ""
    for each fld in rs.fields
        m_debugLine = m_debugLine + vbTab + fld.value
    next fld
    debug.print m_debugLine


4) you could even add a debug.print line to print the field names before printing the data. I think you will find this



Depending on what you are trying to do, you may be overcomplicating it. A better approach would be to set the source of the form's records (in the property sheet) to the transactions table and then discard the desired fields in the form using the visual designer.

HOWEVER, if you really need to do this, here is the code to replace what you have and open the table, for example the data view in the transaction table.

Private Sub Command0_Click()
   docmd.Opentable "transactions"
End Sub


If you want to limit the results to a query, first create a query and save it, then use the following code.

Private Sub Command0_Click()
   docmd.OpenQuery "MyQueryName"
End Sub


To be as literal as possible, your DID source code populates the recordset (in the rs object). You can access the fields by name using the code in your while loop like

debug.print rs("Field1")




You put your code inside Do..Loop. This code will be evaluated for every record it encounters.

Do Until rs.EOF
   Msgbox "The value for MyField is " & rst!MyField




you end up in the columns of a record for a recordset like rs (0) or rs ("columnname") ....

if there are three columns in the transactions table named a, b, c, you can get:








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