The best way to plot

I have a file with several thousand records in the form timestamp cmdType latency

I want an automated script to display all points in the graph. What is the best way to write a script to generate graph 9 and in what language. No java)? I dont want to open Excel dots and imports etc. Etc.


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5 answers

Before matplotlib, gnuplot was pretty much the de facto standard when it came to plotting data. Plotting is very similar to MATLAB and scripts are generally easy to customize.

They have demos to show you what he likes and some tutorials to download.

It's also super easy to install on Windows and Linux - I haven't tried it on Mac, but I'm sure it's a breeze there too.



You can do it with VB.NET or C #. File parsing is a piece of strawberry cake and GDI is powerful enough to load a pre-existing background as a graph and draw lines / dots, etc.

The same can be said for Processing.



I would suggest using Python programming language and matplotlib .



On a * nix platform (or even on windows) good old gnuplot should have all the functionality you need.

gnuplot is especially good for time series type plots as it understands timestamps as intervals on a timeline (as opposed to an excel expression, which treats it as discrete data and cannot scale it correctly).

It has a nice simple script interface but with a lot of powerful options.

Link [1]: "gnuplot home page"



Since you didn't say anything about the platform you are using or what you know, you open completely random sentences, so here's mine:

I would use ROOT . Probably with compiled C ++ code, but maybe with a cint macro, or running cint interactively if it's alone.

But this is because I have already installed ROOT and know how to use it.



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