How to create local IIS site with encrypted wwwroot using EFS in Vista

I'm preparing a laptop to take with me when traveling, so all my user data is encrypted with EFS in case someone decides to steal it. I also need to set up multiple local development sites with IIS. If I disable encryption on the site's wwwroot, IIS can serve it up just fine. However, I would really like to be able to use encryption here as well.

I've tried the following steps:

When I try to browse the local site in IE, I get the login dialog as expected, but it doesn't accept my credentials, even though that's the account I use to encrypt the files I serve. Has anyone tried this and got it working?


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3 answers

EFS and IIS don't really play well together. Internet Information Services (usually) runs under the "Network Service", which does not have access to your user account EFS key decryption.

You have two options with IIS:

  • Run "Internet Information Services (IIS) Administration" and "World Wide Web Publishing Service" as your personal account, along with any anonymous Web site user running as that account.

  • Mark the InetPub directory as never encrypted.

# 1 is by far the best choice for security / encryption purposes, but it will be a challenge to configure the appropriate permissions for your account to run these services.

You might want to consider using Visual Studio's built in web server (Cassini), which gets the encryption issue as it works like your personal account, but it has some of its own issues .



More complete hard disk encryption sounds. I've had good results with the free version of CompuSec from



Thanks for answers. Now I decided to take a simple route and put all my web files in a TrueCrypt volume that I can connect when I need to work on any local websites along with any database data.As far as I know, this is by far the most secure.



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